
Georgous Julry

This photo shoot was done last August for a good friend of mine at work. She was not clear to me what was it for but then I realized later on that it was for a pageant.  I am not professional when it comes to those things but I am sure it was a serious pageant. I can see the look on her face when I said, “Good luck and you are definitely going to win the crown”. It was the look of a beautiful woman who is tensed, nervous and enjoys every single moment of it.

It goes to show that even if you are tired, nervous and tensed, those would not matter anymore if you are doing the things that you are passionate of doing. It is also hard for them since their passion is being beautiful inside and out most of the time. People look up to you and some of them only notices you when something bad is happening or bad hair day, perhaps.

So enough talking for now and here are some of the pictures I took. BTW, if you have time, please go to this link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151028781286611&set=a.10151028780266611.429422.105242071610&type=3&theater and click LIKE on her picture. It would really help! Thanks!
